Bamboo Flooring Directory

Over eighteen years of research, design, implementation, testing and development have led us to create an innovative new concept for the flooring industry! A bamboo flooring company may quickly come into your home or business and access the amount of work and cost of installing the floors. In further comparison to traditional hardwood flooring, bamboo comes out slightly ahead as being more resistant to water damage, stains, and warping.

Bamboo Age – Since the bamboo matures, it becomes denser and the hardness increases exponentially each year. However it wasn’t until recently we thought to ourselves if our bamboo flooring is a winner why not add timber flooring to our repertoire. And it’s much denser than most hardwoods, including maple and oak, so it’s ideal for flooring. Harvesting bamboo does not kill it: When shoots are cut, the roots are left intact so new shoots can grow. I had many samples of various woods and bamboo and I literally beat the daylights out of each. With 560 square feet to do, we couldn’t afford the hefty price of $4000-$5000 for the bamboo floors.

It is possible the resin from various species of bamboo (specifically with strand bamboo flooring) will interfere with electrical conductivity. Clever Choice Ultimate Bamboo is hot pressed and manufactured from A grade raw materials and comes with a Janka rating of 15+ making it most durable flooring option in the hard flooring range. Durable and eco-friendly, our floors combine the durability of strand woven bamboo with the easy installation of a floating floor. Bamboo flooring can be installed when the moisture content between the floor and subfloor is within 3{961a85b8d775a49291a6e6e66a1b661f807cefd41cb018f3365a8e7a278eff5e}.bamboo flooring

When considering a flooring change make sure you consider how you live and you are sure to be pleased with your decision. This form results in more space between each bamboo stem; flatness and tightness is not emphasized. You can do a print screen of your order to see how well it matches up with your wall coloring; the store you are purchasing your flooring from will be able to assist you with doing that.

To speed up the acclimation process, we decided to strip off the plastic wrap, open up the boxes of wood, and spread the flooring across the subfloor, and, voila…2 days later the flooring was ready to roll. The flooring isn’t attached to the subfloor in any manner, so installation goes fast. Because bamboo flooring is hygroscopic, controlling moisture content is one of the most important components for success. Many people worry that strand woven bamboo flooring might look beautiful like hardwood flooring but is perhaps not hard enough to deal with the demands of heavy traffic. Bamboo flooring will enhance the look of any staircase such as the elegant caramel toned bamboo used here. Flat-grain bamboo, the most common type, is made up of thin, flat strips of bamboo that are stacked on top of each other and then laminated together. The 2nd problem is that the GC and/or builder know enough about flooring to be dangerous and not nearly enough to be proficient.bamboo flooring